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Trend Tutorials
Trend Basics
Game of Life
One Dimensional CA
Mouse Maze
1-D Bubble Sort

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This software is provided AS IS without user support due to lack of funding and the departure of our staff.

1. Trend

Trend is a general purpose cellular automata simulation environment with an integrated high level language compiler, a beautiful graphical user interface, and a fast, three stage cached simulation engine. This is the simulation system that was used to discover the first emergent self-replicating cellular automata rule set, and the first problem solving self-replication loop.

Since its simulator is very flexible with regard to cellular space sizes, cell structures, neighborhood structures and cellular automata rules, Trend can simulate almost all one or two-dimensional cellular automata models. It also has a smart backtracking feature which simplifies rule set development a lot by allowing users to go back to a previous stage of simulation! With other advanced features, Trend is probably the most easy to use 2-dimensional cellular automata simulator.

Why not download a copy of Trend below and play with it today? Please read the README file after you download it to get started.

2. jTrend

jTrend is a Java-based cellular automata simulator modeled after Trend. It inherits all the features of Trend such as dynamically changing cellular space sizes and defining the cellular automata rules "on the fly" using the Trend programming language.

In addition, jTrend is totally compatible with Trend. All files generated by Trend and jTrend are interchangeable. This allows users to develop their cellular automata models using jTrend on a more convenient computer they have and execute them using Trend on a more powerful computer server, without worrying about the compatibility issue.

Because Java is a cross-platform environment, Java programs are guaranteed to "write once, run everywhere". Therefore, jTrend can run on almost all popular operating systems such as Unix, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, etc.

3. How to Download Trend/jTrend

  1. Register below using your email address.
  2. You will receive an email telling you your password.
  3. Go to the Download page and enter your email and password.
  4. Download Trend!

4. Registration

You must register first if you want to download Trend. This is for statistical purposes. If you wish to automatically receive email notices when newer versions of Trend or jTrend become available, you may register your email address with us. Your email address will only be used for this purpose:

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5. Screenshots

  1. Trend Screenshots
  2. jTrend Screenshots

6. Documentation

To help users learn Trend programming, four tutorials were developed. These tutorials introduce the features of the Trend language and the Trend and jTrend simulation environments. Users can quickly gain first hand experience of using Trend/jTrend and begin developing their rules after finishing these tutorials:

  1. Trend Tutorial HTML Version
  2. Trend Tutorial PDF Version

Additionally, a dozen of examples are also available. These examples are part of our research results. Some of them are simple to understand, such as the Game of Life rules. Others are more complicated. These programming examples demonstrate the power of Trend/jTrend in solving problems as a cellular automata simulator. Users can learn the Trend programming language quickly using these examples as sample code.

Go to Trend programming examples.

7. Related Papers

  1. Hui-Hsien Chou, Wei Huang and James A. Reggia. The Trend Cellular Automata Programming Environment. To be published by SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International.
  2. Wei Huang. General Purpose Cellular Automata Programming. Technical Report TR #02-03, Computer Science Department, Iowa State University, 2002.
  3. Hui-Hsien Chou and James A. Reggia. Emergence of Self-Replicating Structures in a Cellular Automata Space. Physica D 110:252-276, 1997.
  4. Hui-Hsien Chou and James A. Reggia. Problem Solving During Artificial Selection of Self-replicating loops. Physica D 115:293-312, 1998
  5. James A. Reggia, Steven L. Armentrout, Hui-Hsien Chou, and Yun Peng. Simple Systems That Exhibit Self-Directed Replication. Science, 259:1282¨C1288, Feb. 26, 1993.
  6. Hui-Hsien Chou. Self-Replicating Structures in a Cellular Automata Space. Ph.D. Dissertation, CS-TR-3715/UMIACS-TR-96-85, University of Maryland, 1996.

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