Analyzing Loaded Data
Red underlined regions represent regions that match non-target regions based on the minimum match length specified in the parameter window. These regions are not used in the probes. Oligos that are candidate for oligo probes are identified in blue text. Highlighted regions in the field represent degrees of similarity. The dark colors such as red, orange and yellow of a high degree of similarity among other sequences while the yellow and white have a small similarity between others.
Double click on any row to bring up a new screen that compares the specified sequence with others.
The selected sequence appears in the first row with subsequent sequences listed below, according to specific matching. These sequences were the sequences that appeared with red lines in the previous screen. Use your mouse to roll over any listed sequences. The rest of its sequence appears. You may double-click any sequence again to get another window with the selected sequence at the beginning.
You have completed the Picky Version 1 tutorial. Please stay updated for further versions of Picky at
Complex Computation Laboratory
Iowa State University
Hui-Hsien Chou
Denise Mooney