In recent decades, biomedical researches have faced a new and daunting task of interpreting tremendous amounts of information that have been generated in such areas as genomics, microarrays and proteomics. Specialized data extraction and conversions computer programs are needed to interpret such data for such rapid advancement in biomedical research. Vect, essentially, is a visual extraction conversion program that provides biomedical researches with very minimal computer science background a way to generate data extraction and conversion programs without knowing too much computer programming. Vect provides a convenient graphical user interface that allows users to use common point and click methods to arrange data in the way they deem fit and then provides the computer program to generate such results. Vect can be used with virtually any text format generated from computational technologies, making Vect a powerful tool for biomedical scientists.
How to Download Vect
- Input your email into the box at the bottom of Registration section.
- Press "Enter" on your keyboard. You should be taken to a confirmation screen.
- Check your email. Your should get an email from us with a password.
- Go to the Download page and input your username and password. Your username is the email you registered with and the password is the one you got in email.
- Click on "Submit" and you should be taken to the download page where you can download Vect.
Please register your email address with us to obtain your download password. This is necessary for several reasons:
- We can send you email notices when newer versions of Vect become available;
- We can provide our grant agency anonymous usage statistics of our software. This helps keep us in business so we can continue to improve Vect to serve you better; and
- We filter all incoming inquiry emails against our registration list to prevent spams.Therefore if you would like to send us a question in email, you need to register. Otherwise, we will not recieve your email inquiry.
Your email address will only be used for this purpose. If you
have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it by entering
your email again. Your password will be automatically emailed to
you shortly, and then you can go to our download page to download Vect.
Please first input your email address:
Tutorials were developed to help users better understand Vect. These tutorials introduce the features of Vect and better aquaint the user with its functionality. Users can quickly gain first hand experience of Vect and begin data extraction and conversion after completion of these tutorials:
Vect Reference Manual : A guided tour that acquaints users with a thorough explanation of Vect user interface and functionality.
Numerical Data Extraction: In-depth step-by-step guide to numerical data extraction in Vect. [Download ZIP file]
Statistical Data Extraction : Provides a step-by-step guide to Vect functionality using a file containing abortion statistics in a table format.. [Download PDF Version]
Patent Calculation: Step-by-step guide to patent calculation with Vect .[Download ZIP file]
PDB Data Extraction: Step-by-step guide to extracting and converting protein sequences and corresponding data.
Genbank Data Extraction : Provides a step-by-step guide to Vect functionality using a sample GenBank report file.
Tabular Data Analysis: An extension of the Numerical Data Extraction tutorial, provides a more extensive ways to analyze numerical data.
Word Mapping: Step-by-step guide to update labels in one file from another.
DNA to Protein Extraction: Advanced tutorial on how to use Vect to extract DNA sequences into protein sequences based on a Genbank report.
Related Papers
VECT: an automatic visual Perl programming tool for nonprogrammers
Hui-Hsien Chou
BioTechniques Vol. 38, No. 4: pp 615-621 (Apr 2005)
Click here to read the abstract on Biotechniques.com
Questions & Comments
Please send all questions, problems and reports to 
This project is supported by the National Institute of Health Grant 4R33GM066400.