Mango 1.23 New simulation features and improvements --- 11/11/2015
- Added new pause() function to synchronize visualization during Gel
code execution; this provides a mechanism to conduct simulations
and animations on networks in Mango
- Replaced KEGG database download code to dramatically improve the
speed and reliability of KEGG downloads on Windows computers
- Automatic Mango version update check on program start-up
- Improved Mango version check under unreliable network conditions
- Improved About Mango dialog text placement and layout
Mango 1.22 Minor bug fixes and improvements --- 10/08/2015
- Improved KEGG database download reliability on Windows computers
- Improved compatiblity between Mango import and export functions and Excel CSV and TSV exports
- Improved Gel save command output to allow node and link attributes that contain special characters
- Improved Gel script editor to auto create an Untitled.txt on Mango startup
- Improved Gel script editor and command window text buffering with the Gel compiler; added ESC key to stop Gel code execution and clean up input buffer
Mango 1.21 Minor bug fixes and improvements --- 10/02/2015
- Added match function minimal match argument value check to prevent invalid values
- Corrected match function help text to match its argument list
- Improved KEGG download response time and data mapping versatility
Mango 1.20 Many new features added --- 09/28/2015
- Multi-threading to allow asynchronous exchange of user typed Gel
command(s), Gel executions and Graph visualizations
- Added Gel script editor with keyword coloring and hot keys to run
commands line by line
- Data panel now shows data value and type. Node, link and graph
objects can be expanded to display attributes
- New KEGG dialog window to fetch biological pathways data from with options to merge them
- Added R_MATrix, a recursive random graph generator function
- Added match function for sequence comparison among node attributes
- Added map function that can map graph nodes either based on another graph or on one of the node attributes
- Added Gel functions such as substr, toUpper, toLower, map, floor,
ceil, abs, asin, acros, atan, pow ...
- Added looping constructs such as while, for, and do with timer
control and exception handling
- Added intersect and negate operators
- More efficient save functions to reduce duplicative node names
- Added a handy auto graph type to be the recipient of graph
Mango 1.10 Some new features added --- 03/10/2015
- New visualization options (nodes have more labeling options)
- Recognize standard escape sequences in strings, e.g., \n and \t
- Present directory name shows up in status bar
- Graphs with different node names can now be merged without renaming
- More efficient attribute value merging between different graphs
- Usability improvement to Windows version command console
- Fixed a few floating point number parsing bugs
- Adopted a brand-new About Mango background image
- Renamed commands: print -> dump and echo -> print
- Improved Export and Import functions
Mango 1.01 Fixed UI bugs on Windows version of Mango --- 01/09/2015
Mango 1.00 First Public Release --- 12/08/2014