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1. Description

This is a model of genetic drift. We translated the code written in Cellang, which is another cellular automata language, into our Trend language.

The idea of this example is based on a cyclic group of four populations: scissor, rock, dynamite, and paper. These four populations compete with each other in the cellular automata space. For example, a cell with a value of scissor (S) in it can be defeated by rocks (R) if more than three neighbors have rocks in them. The value of the defeated cell will become a rock (R). Similarly, rocks can be defeated by dynamite (D) if more than three neighbors have dynamite in them. In which case the cell will become dynamite as well. This pattern continues with the other populations in this group, forming a circular relationship.

This experiment starts with a random cellular automata space. In a short period of time, coherent waves become visible. These waves grow and merge, producing a pattern that looks like shifting sand-dunes.

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Last modified June 13, 2008 . All rights reserved.

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